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The Mayor


The Mayor (2019) Short, Political Drama | 7 Min.

Based on the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, The Mayor tells the story of a young enthusiastic radio host, Benjamin White, Jr., who desperately wants to help his father, Mayor Ben White, Sr. secure a seat in Congress. However, Benjamin must reconsider his position after a woman accuses the Mayor of sexual abuse over the live broadcast...


This film was written and produced in collaboration with my COM 445 - Advanced Filmmaking students at SUNY Cortland.


  • 2021 Official Selection - Snowtown Film Festival (Watertown, NY)

  • 2019 Official Selection - Social Political Short Film Festival (Missoula, MT)

Sam Avery, Cloe King, Anna Brasted and Griffin Smith onset of "The Mayor"
Sam Avery, Cloe King, Anna Brasted and Griffin Smith onset of "The Mayor"



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